Jointing a saw evens up all the cutting teeth so more teeth are cutting in the kerf at the same time. This greatly improves the efficiency of the saw, and shows up as more wood cut with much less effort. Eventually, after repeated sharpenings, every saw will require jointing. You will notice when the saw jumps or “catches.”
Jointing cuts the very tips of the teeth with a file held perpendicular to the plane of the saw, evening them up. The teeth are then sharpened and set. Also contained in the jointer is a raker gage, used for cutting the raker teeth down 1/64″ – 1/32″ below the cutting teeth, depending upon the wood being cut. Kits come with detailed instructions.
Basic Kit [#448]: Filing kit contains our own combination jointer/raker gage, spider set gage, and setting stake.
Kit + Hammer and File [#449]: Contains the above mentioned tools plus our professional setting/swaging hammer and jointing/sharpening file.